Oxana Sankova

Oxana Sankova(she/her, 1974) grew up in the Russian city of Kuibyshev (now Samara) and received her diploma in acting from GITIS, Moscow’s theatre academy, in 2002. After an acting career of almost 15 years, she opted for a radical change of direction by studying directing at the RITCS in Brussels, where she has also been working on a PhD since 2022. Her work is text-based, with an autofictional slant. Oxana directed several projects including I forgot (2019) which was invited by Theater Aan Zee, The fool (2020) and My pain is bigger than yours (2021). As a player, she was in the production De wereld in één dag, één dag in de wereld, by Nico Boon and Arsenaal / Lazarus (2022). In 2024 her most recent performance, The poem without a hero premièred at Monty.