The poem without a hero
The poem without a hero
Oxana Sankova creates and performs an autobiographical performance about the impact of government ideology on ordinary people living in or outside the state. And that with Russia as an example.
In The poem without a Hero Sankova theatrically uses her own perspective: a migrant in Belgium. She talks about fear, shame, nationalism and how they affect everyday life. Diary fragments and documentary material interweave Sankova with fictional text material, creating a layered polyphony of despair.
concept, directing, performance & text Oxana Sankova coaching Kaat Arnaert dramaturgy Elisa Demarré outside eye Rachid Laachir scenography Sven Roofthoofttechnical support Jamy Hollebeke, Tom van den Brande translation surtitles Dries Gijsels, Pieter Boulogne productionmanagement Tiziana Penna tourmanagement Mariana Pechackova production Monty coproduction detheatermaker Kunstenwerkplaats, NTGent, Antigone with support of CAMPO, theater arsenaal, de Vlaamse Overheid thanks to Bart Capelle, Ira Goryainova, Geert Opsomer & Jan Dehollander poetry Daniil Kharms inspirationFyodor Dostoevsky, Evgeny Schwartz, Igor Bulatovsky & Anna Akhmatova