Research Kortvoorstellingen

Research Kortvoorstellingen

You don’t get better from training, you do from playing matches (football adagio).
Joeri Happel and Lucas Van der Vegt will work on several short performances throughout spring 2024. In between, they test and present them in various ways: through supporting acts, stand-up acts or spontaneous Happenings. This means they are constantly shuttling between developing material and presenting it. According to them, practice makes perfect. From that idea grew the desire to practise not only in the rehearsal studio, but also on stage with a live audience.
Together the 15 Kortvoorstellingen form an overall existentialist manifestation . In doing so, the duo meanders between cabaret, tragedy and performance art. Implicitly, the material carries great political necessity. With all its alienation, it challenges the beaten track of the status quo. Indirectly, the short performances ask the audience, “Man, what the hell are you doing anyway.”
Currently, Joeri and Lucas have five short performances in their repertoire: de Bloemen (theme aesthetics), de Zweden (theme friendship) One second to the next ( theme moralism) Rolball! (theme sports frenzy) De waan van de dag! (theme subversion)